Social Media Policy

British Judo Council (BJC) Social Media Code of Conduct

The British Judo Council (BJC) expects its members and supporters to follow a code of conduct when using social media to uphold the values of respect, integrity, and professionalism. Here is a general outline of a BJC Code of Conduct for Social Media that incorporates key restrictions such as avoiding professional advertising, religious or political content:

All BJC social media sites have an age restriction of 16 Years and above.

  1. Respectful Communication
    Members and supporters must always engage in respectful and positive communication online. Abusive, defamatory, or disrespectful language towards others is strictly prohibited.

  2. No Professional Advertising
    Members and supporters should refrain from using BJC platforms or their affiliation with BJC to promote any professional, commercial, or personal services, businesses, or products.

  3. No Religious or Political Posts
    To maintain a neutral and inclusive environment, members should avoid posting content related to religious or political beliefs, debates, or endorsements.

  4. Privacy and Confidentiality
    Members should respect the privacy of others by not sharing personal information, photos, or private conversations without consent. Confidential BJC matters should not be discussed publicly.

  5. Appropriate Content
    All content shared on social media platforms must align with the values of the BJC, ensuring that posts reflect positively on the organization. Content that is discriminatory, offensive, or inappropriate is not allowed.

  6. Responsibility for Personal Posts
    Members and supporters should recognize that their personal posts can impact the BJC’s reputation. They are responsible for their content, even when not officially representing BJC.

  7. Maintain a Positive Community
    Members are encouraged to contribute to a positive and supportive online community, offering constructive feedback and avoiding negative or harmful discourse.

  8. Compliance with Platform Policies
    Members must adhere to the rules and terms of service of the social media platforms they use.

  9. Reporting Misconduct
    If members observe violations of this code, they are encouraged to report the behaviour to BJC authorities.

10. Member-Only Event Advertising
Only active BJC members are permitted to use the official BJC Facebook page and related social media platforms to advertise and promote their BJC-related events.

11. Non-Conflict with BJC Organised Events
Members are allowed to promote their BJC events. No event should clash with National BJC events and care should be taken not to organise events which will be in direct competition with other BJC events aimed at the same group of people.

12. Event Relevance
Events advertised must be directly related to BJC activities (e.g., judo training sessions, competitions, seminars) and must align with the values and standards of the BJC.

This code of conduct ensures that all members and supporters of the BJC can engage responsibly and constructively in online spaces, promoting the principles of judo on and off the mat.

The BJC reserves the right to remove any post which is in breach of this code.