Chalfont Championship 2025

Chalfont Championship 2025
Start date: 23 Feb 2025
Visit the BJC Events Registration Page - Chalfont Championship Website

Chalfont Judokwai is proud to host our annual Championship.

Every year, we aim to make it better than before and every year, the demand for entry tickets exceed supply and we have to unfortunately, tell some people that we can not accept them. We therefore encourage you to book early in order to assure your entry ticket.

Once again, we have a new medal design which this year features Masahiko Kimura, one of the greatest Judoka of all time. He won the All Japan Championships three times in a row and never lost a contest between 1936 to 1950. In fact, he only lost three contests in his whole contest career. It is said of him "None before Kimura, none after Kimura".

Kimura was a bit of a Judo zealot.  When he won the All Japan Championship for the fourth time, he was so happy, he bunny hopped the mile back to his home.  He was famous for constantly increasing his training to stop his opponents catching him up.  This resulted in him doing 1,000 press-ups per day.  He also practised his Toqui-Waza (favourite technique) in the early hours so that none could see what he was doing.  This was O Soto Gari (major outer reap) which he did against a tree.  Another black belt once found him doing this and said "are you trying to kill that tree"?

Kimura about 35

Kimura in his 20's

Whilst not as extreme as Kimura, the Chalfont team are constantly looking at ways in which to improve this championship, whether by improved organisation, smoother weigh-in experience or adjusting the timings or more.  We expect that this year will be our best run event ever.

You can find all the information you need by clicking on the links above and we look forward to meeting you on the day.  Please note that entries must be made by no later than midnight on Wednesday 19th February.